10 SEO Plugins for WordPress To get Higher Ranking

If you know about SEO then you would definitely know how quick changes are rolled by search engines and to stay on top of that updates, you should either have the full knowledge of the new SEO changes or better to rely on some top SEO plugins.

Since wordpress is just like smartphone where plugins power the entire functions just like the apps.

Here are the criteria I used to make this recommendation on using a SEO plugin for wordpress instead of changing the codes behind the theme:

1)  Easy to use

Every posts of your blog should be optimised for search engines since it has a special area where you enter the keywords and other meta informations and it even suggests keywords for you.  It tells you if the post has good or poor SEO using a red light – green light method or any other easy to understand methods.  In the admin dashboard, you immediately see which posts still need more work.

2) Instructional

Even if you don’t know anything about On-Page SEO you can learn it by using the plugin.  Each post gets a special widget that guides you in what to do next by highlighting the areas you need to improve.  For example:  It tells you when your Post meta description is missing.  It suggests keywords that you should be using instead of the keyword you originally thought or you did’t care of it.  This used to take a lot of research to get this right and also the use of several tools and plugins.  The plugin does it for you.

3)  It is updated constantly

 Creator of the plugin keep improving the plugin to stay on top of the competitors and other plugins so that they would have

Ranked according to the comments and user popularity:

1. WordPress SEO:

seems to be designed to specifically replace the other SEO plugin options due to its simplicity. It offers virtually the same feature set as the others SEO plugins and includes XML sitemaps for webmaster tools, RSS footers and breadcrumbs.

WordPress SEO by Joost de Valk is continuously among the most popular Plugins in the WordPress directory and has managed to beat AIOSEO. It has more than one million active installs and a solid rating from 3.5 to 5. Besides that it is also one of my personal favourite out of the top two.
The plugin allows you to configure many settings relevant to search engine optimization both on a global and local level. Its features include:

  • Editing SEO titles, meta descriptions and more
  • Keyword suggestion from Google auto suggest
  • In-depth analysis of your content for optimization opportunities
  • Optimizing your content for social networks
  • Automatically create XML-Sitemaps

Which makes this plugins all in one plugin that beats of its competitors quite good. It comes with a animated SEO visualizer that informs the user about the onepage seo of the post/pages and the site.

Download WordPress SEO (http://wordpress.org/extend/plug…)

Are you serious about blogging? Then you should use these 10 time-saving blogging tools.

2. All In One SEO:

The another most popular wordpress seo plugin is AIOSEO, we used this plugin when we get started and it is been still used on many on my niche sites.

Although SmartActiveBlogger uses the Pro version of WordPress SEO and my niche sites uses the pro version of AIOSEO.

This plugin by Michael Torbert is very similar to Yoast’s but with little difficulties with the UI. It offers much of the same functionality, however, is geared towards less technical users who don’t want to configure every single detail about their site.
The feature list is quite similar:

  • Set titles, descriptions, and other important markers for posts and pages
  • Webmaster verification for different search engines and ranking tools.
  • Works with WordPress eCommerce sitesand blends perfectly with them.
  • Beginner friendly: Works out of the box,
  • No technical skills required to operate.

All-in-One has gotten lots of votes here. Used to use it. Switched to WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast. Great features, updated often, no-nonsense approach and Yoast writes great plugins.

All in One SEO Pack Pro is easy to use right out of the box, so you can start improving your search engine results right away! It comes in free and paid version, of which the paid version is used and tested by us, which definitely has some great features over the free version.

Download All in One SEO (http://wordpress.org/extend/plug…)

3. Squirrly SEO:

Squirrly is another great SEO plugin for wordpress that helps you in real time to optimize your articles to 100%, while you are writing or editing them. It is said that Optimized articles done with Squirrly get +285% more traffic on average, than the articles that are not optimized with it.

Squirrly SEO offers both a free version and premium version. The free version is sufficient for blogs publishing about five articles a month or for new bloggers that write a few articles. If you publish content more frequently and you are a problogger, you’ll need the premium “Pro” version, which offers more for a monthly subscription fee.

The Pro version is definitely worth the price as it significantly helps to bump up the onpage seo of your post and articles.

Download Squirrly SEO (SEO Plugin by SQUIRRLY)

4.Premium SEO Pack:

Premium SEO pack is a Premium wordpress plugin that is sold exclusively on codecanyon. It is one of the top SEO plugins being sold on codecanyon.

It provides lots of function and facilities,

  • OnPage optimisation
  • SERP Tracking
  • Sitemap
  • Google analytics
  • 404 Error management
  • meta manager
  • Backlink Builder
  • social Stats
  • SEO friendly images
  • Redirect & edit files
  • Compress Images
  • Minimizes js/css
  • Optimize load time
  • Caching
  • Option to exclude file loads

The Premium SEO Pack for WordPress is the ultimate tool for optimizing your website for search engines. Premium SEO Pack contains all the features that you would expect to find in dozens of different WordPress plugins, moreover it comes with other .

5. SEO Auto Links and Related Posts:

– interlinks content and displays related posts at same time, Automatically create auto link, related posts, and slide out related posts and show ads when user reach the end of article.

Though there are lots of plugins that are found to be the same. Like related posts and zemanta, and many more. Though other plugins are used to show related posts, this plugins shows related post and also links other related post.

Download SEO Auto Links (http://wordpress.org/extend/plug…)

6. Redirection:

SEO doesn’t just depends on optising your post and pages, it also depends on handling your redirect page URLs and error/status codes. Redirection has a Easy-to-use interface that can be operated easily by anybody.

Redirection comes handy on managing the 404 Error and other redirection that can’t be handled or managed easily through wordpress.

New features include:

  • 404 error monitoring
  • Allowing you to pass a URL through to another page, file, or website.
  • Full logs for all redirected URLs
  • All URLs can be redirected, not just ones that don’t exist
  • Redirection methods – redirect based upon login status, redirect to random pages, redirect based upon the referrer!


7. SEO Ultimate:

This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over meta titles & descriptions, open graph, auto-linking, rich-snippets, 404 monitoring, siloing and many.

With more than 200,000+ downloads and a 3.9 rating out of 5, the seo ultimate is one of the fastest rising SEO ultimate plugins in the wordpress community, as it provides a ton of features straight out of the box.


SEO Ultimate is an all-in-one SEO plugin with these powerful features:

  • Meta Description Editor
  • Deeplink Juggernaut
  • Open Graph Integrator
  • Rich Snippet Creator
  • Author Highlighter
  • Link Mask Generator
  • Canonicalizer
  • 404 Monitor
  • Permalink Tweaker
  • Meta Robot Tags Editor
  • SEO Ultimate Widgets
  • Plugin Settings Manager
  • Title Tag Rewriter

auto adds alt and title attributes on all images


8. Broken Link Checker:

This plugin will check your posts, comments and other content for broken links and missing images, and notify you if any are found. It alerts the wordpress admin through its dashboard notification widget and allows the admin to fix the links and also redirect new links that doesn’t even exists.


  • Monitors links in your posts, pages, comments.
  • Detects links that don’t work, missing images and redirects.
  • Notifies you either via the Dashboard or by email.
  • Makes broken links appear differently in posts.
  • Prevents search engines from following broken links.
  • Links can be edited directly from the plugin’s page, without manually updating each post.
  • Highly configurable.

Download SEO Smart Links (WordPress › SEO Smart Links ” WordPress Plugins)

9. BWP XML Sitemaps:

Sitemaps are used to show all your content to search engines directly through your webmasters tool. Though some SEO plugin pre-packs the sitemap functionality, but its always better to specify a dedicated plugin for the use of the sitemaps.

So here comes the BWP sitemap plugins which is dedicated to create sitemaps individually for posts, pages, taxonomies and images.

The BWP sitemaps plugins is widely used by wordpress users and is regularly updated to keep working perfectly with the wordpress new versions.


10. SEO friendly Images:

Optimising your post for search engines is a tuff task and specially if you have lots of images then you have to keep adding the alt tag to each and every post then and now, so that the search engines know exactly what the images stands for in your posts.

Also missing the alt tag for your images creates a warning in your webmasters tools asking you to add the alt tag for each and every images that are missing the tag.

But the SEO friendly Images does this task for you automatically each and every time you add a new image to your post. The plugins automatically takes the title of the image and add it to the place of the alt tag with some extra characters or tags you specify.

Download SEO friendly Images(https://wordpress.org/plugins/seo-image/)

Improving your position in search result pages is the most efficient way to increase traffic to your site — I know… easier said than done. Here’s a few SEO tricks for WordPress that will get you started with the job and some free plugins that make implementing them really easy.


Its always good to use a better SEO plugin which gets regularly updated

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