5 Tips For Free Website Traffic

There are different methods of generating web traffic but the question of whether or not your method will be successful depends largely on your ability to understand your audience and implement proven strategies. To increase the number of people coming to your site, invest time and resources to gather information about your ideal target and discover ways to draw them in – preferably by offering valuable content or a solution to an existing problem. The following are proven techniques to help increase traffic in the long run.

1. Link with authority websites

One of the easiest ways to generate traffic is to link to and from relevant non-competing websites. Start by allocating space on your website for quality links that help people find good information or solutions to problems. You can link to a variety of websites provided they have the kind of traffic that you are targeting. When you link to a third party website, they most likely will do the same in return.

2. Use keywords to target search engines

Search engines are the biggest resource for targeted web traffic. By using keywords you can target search queries conducted on major search engines with the aim of making your website appear on search results. Include keywords in the content header, meta-description, image descriptions, etc. This will go a long way towards increasing traffic to your site.

3. Promote your site through article-marketing

This is a great way to provide valuable content to a wide audience. Article marketing involves creating content for websites that are relevant to your niche, or offering free articles across the board with the intention of attracting clicks. Find as many free content websites or discussion groups and submit your articles to their audiences. By doing this you will be playing your part in providing useful content on the internet and you will have the opportunity to connect with a wider audience. Place a link to your website at the bottom of the articles and perhaps a very brief description of your site.

4. Discounts and giveaways

People love free stuff and if you can offer your audience something valuable that relates to your business, there is a good possibility that word will spread. There is no limitation to what you can offer. Anything from products and services, e-books, reports, instructional videos, or a sharp discount on your latest products; all this can generate traffic to your website.

5. Social media

This is perhaps the biggest free platform for businesses to advertise their products and services and connect on a more personal level with audiences. Social media posts can be made to target people and offer very specific information including description of products and services, announcements for product launches, videos, articles, etc. All this can be used to generate engagement with your audiences and channel more traffic to your website. Keep in mind that engagement is two-way, and part of this process involves listening to your audience to learn more about their likes, habits, and reservations.

If audiences feel that you are paying attention to them, they are more likely to give you more of their time. Make an effort to reach out to people on all available platforms and offer useful products and services, or something of value in exchange for their time and money.

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